HomeBUSINESSTermination with Cause in India: All You Need to Know

Termination with Cause in India: All You Need to Know

Experiencing job termination can be a daunting prospect for anyone. It’s a moment that can feel like a sudden jolt, leaving you uncertain about the future. However, being well-informed about your rights and the various aspects of job termination can transform this challenging situation into an empowering one. In India, job termination can occur for a multitude of reasons, each with its own set of implications. This guide aims to break down the complexities of termination with cause and without cause for you, the employee. It will provide you with a comprehensive understanding of the process, helping you navigate the situation with confidence and control.

What Does Termination With Cause Mean?

When you hear the term “termination with cause,” it means that the employment has been ended due to some form of misconduct. In India, the following can be grounds for termination with a cause:

  • Misconduct – Such as theft, harassment, or dishonesty
  • Attendance Issues – Habitual lateness or unexcused absences
  • Violation of Company Policies – Not adhering to the company’s code of conduct
  • Breach of Employment Contract – Not fulfilling the terms outlined in the contract, etc.

Now, you might wonder – do “Poor Performance” issues, such as a consistent failure to meet job requirements fall within the same category? No, and you can now read about Can employees get fired for poor performance? It’s shedding light on the legal aspects of job termination due to poor performance in India. It even breaks down the concept of Performance Improvement Plans (PIPs) and explains your rights as an employee. So, why wait? Dive in and empower yourself!

Termination with Cause
Termination with Cause

So, back to termination with or for “cause”. Here’s what you need to consider:

  • Professional Reputation: Being terminated with cause might raise questions for future employers. It’s imperative to maintain professionalism and be prepared to address these questions honestly and share what you have learned from the experience.
  • Legal and Financial Implications: It’s crucial to be aware of the labour laws and contractual obligations that apply to you. Consulting with legal counsel is advisable to ensure that you understand your rights and obligations.
  • Personal Growth: While challenging, this is an opportunity for introspection and development. Evaluate your actions, focus on areas of improvement, and use this as a stepping stone for personal and professional growth.

A Step-by-Step Guide for Termination With Cause in India

In India, terminating an employee with cause involves strict protocols:

  1. Provide a written explanation: A document clearly outlining the charges, must be given. This is commonly called a charge-sheet. The employer cannot justify actions on grounds not specified in the said document.
  2. Conduct an Inquiry: A fair and impartial inquiry must follow the charge sheet. During the inquiry, if the employee is suspended, they must receive wages at prescribed rates.
  3. Compliance with Laws: The termination must comply with laws like the Industrial Disputes Act of 1947, and relevant Shops and Establishment Acts. These laws usually mandate at least 1 month’s notice or equivalent pay, however, this requirement is not applicable if the termination is for misconduct.
  4. Payment of Dues: Any statutory and contractual benefits, including unpaid wages, leave encashment gratuity, must be paid if due. However, exceptions for deductions from gratuity might apply if the termination is due to conduct causing losses or offenses involving moral turpitude.

When exploring the intricacies of employment termination, it’s essential to also understand the framework surrounding employee retrenchment and lay-off rights under the Industrial Disputes Act 1947. This comprehensive article delves into the legalities and employee rights in scenarios of retrenchment and layoffs, providing clarity on when and how these actions can be legally taken by employers. It’s a valuable read for anyone looking to grasp the broader spectrum of job termination and employee rights in India. Get detailed insights into the procedures, legal requirements, and protections for employees facing retrenchment or layoffs.

What Does Termination Without Cause Mean?

Termination WITHOUT Cause
Termination WITHOUT Cause

Now, let’s talk about the other side of the coin. “Termination without cause” means the job ends, but not because of anything you did wrong. In India, terminations without cause are usually associated with a layoff or redundancy. Common reasons for this type of termination include:

  • Company restructuring
  • Financial issues within the company
  • Elimination of the position
  • Change in business strategy, etc.

Procedure for Termination Without Cause in India?

Termination without cause can be regarded as ‘retrenchment’, and has its own set of procedures:

  1. Notice or Payment in Lieu: The relevant Shops and Establishment Act and employment agreement usually require at least 1 month’s notice or payment in lieu thereof.
  2. Rule of ‘Last Come First Go’: This rule means the most recently employed worker in a category should be the first to be terminated. However, this rule is not rigid and can be deviated from for valid reasons recorded in the termination notice.
  3. Payment of Retrenchment Compensation: This compensation and at least 1 month’s notice or payment in lieu thereof is mandated for workmen with a minimum service of 240 days. This is equivalent to 15 days’ pay for every year of service.
  4. Settling of Benefits: Statutory and contractual benefits which become due must be paid. This includes gratuity if the employee has been in continuous service for at least 5 years.

Severance Packages

In the case of termination without cause, you might be entitled to a severance package. This could include:

  1. Payment in lieu of notice
  2. Compensation for unused leave
  3. Gratuity
  4. Unpaid salary for days already worked
  5. Other benefits mentioned in your employment contract

It’s essential to understand what your employment contract stipulates and ensure that your employer is abiding by it.

Indian Employment Law

In India, employment law doesn’t strictly define terminations as “With Cause” or “Without Cause”. However, precedence and practices offer insights. There is a distinction between employees governed by statutory provisions and those by contracts. Termination “with cause” in India is often grounded in specific actions such as insubordination, theft, or habitual absence.

In contrast, termination “without cause” occurs due to organizational reasons not directly attributed to the employee’s actions. It’s essential to ensure compliance with relevant laws and agreements, including possible financial obligations upon termination.

In addition to understanding the legal aspects of termination with cause, it’s equally crucial to grasp the concept of workplace misconduct in India. Misconduct can lead to termination if not addressed properly. This enlightening article covers what constitutes misconduct, its implications, and how it’s handled within the Indian legal framework. By familiarizing yourself with what behaviors are considered misconduct and how they can affect employment, you can navigate the professional environment more securely and responsibly.


In conclusion, job termination, whether with cause or without, is a significant event in one’s career. However, it’s crucial to remember that it’s not the end, but often a turning point leading to new opportunities. Understanding the nuances of job termination in India, from the legal procedures to severance packages, can thus equip you with the knowledge to navigate this challenging situation with confidence. It’s an opportunity to reassess your career goals, learn from the experience, and chart a new path forward. Remember, every end is a new beginning, and with the right knowledge and perspective, you can turn job termination into a stepping stone for future success.

Read this article by TopResume on 5 Things to not do after getting fired or terminated from a job.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What are the protocols involved in termination with cause?

Termination with cause in India involves several protocols to ensure fairness and legality. The employer must issue a charge sheet detailing the misconduct. This is followed by an impartial inquiry, where the employee has the right to defend themselves. If misconduct is proven, the employer can proceed with termination, but must comply with statutory requirements, such as paying dues like unpaid wages and gratuity. The process should align with labor laws, and any deviation may lead to legal challenges or claims of wrongful termination.

What is termination without cause in India?

Termination without cause in India refers to the dismissal of an employee for reasons not related to misconduct, such as company restructuring, redundancy, or financial difficulties. This type of termination is typically associated with layoffs or retrenchment. Employers must follow legal procedures, including providing notice or payment in lieu, paying retrenchment compensation, and settling statutory benefits like gratuity. Termination without cause must comply with labor laws, and employees may be entitled to severance packages or other benefits as stipulated in their employment contracts.

What are severance packages?

Severance packages are financial and non-financial benefits offered to employees upon termination without cause. They typically include payment in lieu of notice, compensation for unused leave, gratuity, and unpaid salary. Additional benefits may include extended health insurance, outplacement services, or bonuses, depending on the employment contract. The purpose of severance packages is to provide financial support to employees during their transition to new employment and to mitigate the impact of job loss. They are often negotiated and outlined in the employment agreement.

What are the three types of termination?

The three main types of termination are:
Voluntary Termination: When an employee resigns or chooses to leave the company.
Involuntary Termination: This includes termination with cause, such as misconduct, or without cause, such as layoffs or redundancy.
Mutual Termination: An agreement between the employer and employee to end the employment relationship, often involving a negotiated severance package.

Each type of termination has different legal and financial implications, and it is crucial to understand the terms and conditions associated with each.

What are the rules for termination of employment in India?

In India, termination of employment is governed by various labor laws, including the Industrial Disputes Act and state-specific Shops and Establishment Acts. Employers must provide a notice period, usually one month, or payment in lieu of notice. Termination must comply with legal standards, such as the principle of natural justice, especially in cases of misconduct. For retrenchment, specific rules apply, including the “last come, first go” principle and payment of retrenchment compensation. Additionally, statutory dues like gratuity, unpaid wages, and leave encashment must be settled.

What is termination with cause in India?

Termination with cause in India refers to the dismissal of an employee due to misconduct or a violation of company policies. Grounds for such termination can include theft, harassment, insubordination, habitual absenteeism, or breach of contract. In such cases, the employer is required to follow due process, which includes providing a charge sheet, conducting a fair inquiry, and complying with relevant labor laws. Termination with cause can have significant legal and financial implications for both the employer and the employee.

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