HomeLAWS & SCHEMESESIWhy you should hire an ESI/PF Consultant

Why you should hire an ESI/PF Consultant

Employers, this post is for you! Whether your business is already covered by the ESI and EPF Acts or your business is on the cusp of becoming an employee, and you are not able to understand how to hire an ESI/PF consultant then the following information is a must-read for you.

We know and understand how painful it is to have to settle your employees’ ESI/EPF accounts on a monthly basis. That’s why we have compiled some key virtues to look for in a PF consultant. We’ll also be going over why you should hire one.

4 Reasons why you should hire a PF Consultant are:

A PF Consultant helps Reduce Costs

As you already know, ESI and EPF are levied on only a part of an employee’s salary. A good consultant successfully breaks down an employee’s salary into different parts, making sure you pay the least amount possible and saving a lot of money.

A PF Consultant fulfills Monthly Compliances

If you already fall under the ESI/PF laws, then you know that you must provide monthly disclosures for each account. You have to deposit money in every account, maintain documents, and much more. All this work eats up a lot of time from your work hours and hence decreases productivity.

A good consultant fulfills your monthly compliances for you on time. He/she avoids delays as well, thus saving you from any penalties.

PF Consultant

A PF Consultant is prepared for inspections

This is probably the single most important reason why you need a PF consultant. There are random inspections in companies under the ESI/PF Acts. To handle the inspections, the consultant is always ready and ensures smooth passage for the inspectors and for you.

The reason you need a consultant is that any online portal or software that helps you file compliances will not be of any aid here. You need a consultant in the flesh to handle things with inspectors and to make sure all is well 🙂

Reduces HR Costs too

More than half the work of the HR team is to handle ESI, EPF, and payroll processing of the employees. A good PF Consultant handles all of this for a fraction of the cost and saves your HR Team a lot of time.

As we re-iterate, there is NO substitute for a good PF consultant.

If you are looking for an ESI, Pf, or Labour Law Consultant can drop a mail to esipfadvisor@gmail.com ( For companies only )

We genuinely hope you have learned something new from our blog and if you want to read more about EPF and ESI then you can read our previous blogs, and stay tuned for more informative blog posts.

P.I. Jain and Company serve more than 500 companies across India and helps them with their payroll processing needs and EPF consultancy. We have been providing excellent PF Consultancy for over 40 years with hundreds of clients, and we look to expand further all over India.

If you want to become an ESI and PF consultant, then you can start your learning with our full-proof practical courses:

1. A to Z of PF compliances

2. A to Z of ESI compliances

And, with the help of these practical courses, we were able to teach more than 500 learners.

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