HomeFINANCEThe Ultimate Term Insurance Guide: Protecting Your Family

The Ultimate Term Insurance Guide: Protecting Your Family

Life has its phases—childhood’s carefree bliss, adulthood’s rollercoaster of responsibilities, and the uncertainty that lies ahead. While we plan for job security and long lives, the reality is sometimes different. The startling rise in heart attacks among young adults (25 to 44 years old) highlights the need to secure our family’s financial future, and this is where his term insurance guide comes into play!

But let’s be honest – the insurance world is a maze of confusing plans and hidden terms. Influencers, agents, and companies often push products that benefit them most. That’s why we’ve created this ultimate term insurance guide, cutting through the jargon to help you find the correct term insurance for YOUR needs. This guide will help you understand how to get a term plan to secure family and how to upkeep it for maximum benefits. 

Who Needs Term Insurance?

As per our term insurance guide, we suggest you to ask yourself these questions:

  • Future Family Plans? Even if you’re single now, do you plan on having a family someday? If so, term life insurance for family is a gift you can give your future loved ones.
  • Supporting Others Now? Do you help out your parents, siblings, or anyone else financially? If they rely on your income, you need to protect that lifeline.
  • Debt Dilemma? Do you have a mortgage, student loans, car payments, or other debts? Term insurance ensures those burdens aren’t passed on to your family.
Imagine this: You’ve got a loan, and – heaven forbid – something unexpected happens. Without term insurance, your family could be forced to sell the house or struggle to make the payments. However, if you have term insurance, then this is where the term insurance for your family steps in, covering the mortgage balance and allowing your loved ones to stay in their home.

Bottom line: If we are concerned about the safety for our families or if we have debts that could become someone else’s problem, term insurance is a must-have. It’s about giving yourself peace of mind and protecting the people you care about most. Now that we have understood who needs term insurance, let’s further understand “how much term insurance would be enough for the safety of your families”. 

Also read about the 10 Hidden Conditions of Health Insurance. 

How Much Term Insurance is Enough?

Term Insurance Guide

Think of term insurance like building a safety net for your family. According to this term insurance guide, the size of that net depends on a few things:

  1. Your Debts: First, you need to cover any loans, mortgages, or other financial obligations you have. We don’t want your loved ones to inherit those burdens, right?
  2. Your Family’s Future: Imagine your family living comfortably for the next 15-20 years. What would that cost? Include everyday expenses, education for the kids, and even those occasional vacations. This is where it gets tricky, but we also need to factor in every aspect.
  3. Inflation: The cost of living is constantly rising. That ₹10 lakh today won’t have the same buying power in 10 years. Therefore term plan to secure family needs to keep up with inflation so your family’s finances don’t erode over time.
The 20x Rule of Thumb: through our term insurance guide, we recommend you aim for a coverage amount about 20 times your annual income. If you’re earning ₹12 lakhs a year, you’d need a policy worth around ₹2.5 crores. It sounds like a lot, but trust us, it’s better to be safe than sorry. We often underestimate how much our families will need, especially when considering those long-term expenses and the creeping effects of inflation.

There are plenty of other types of insurance including whole life insurance, then why choose term insurance for family? Let’s find out through this term insurance guide!

Why Choose Term Insurance Over Other Types?

Life’s full of surprises, right? Some wonderful (like weddings and babies), and some… not so much. The good news is, your insurance can adapt to those changes.

There are plans out there that give you a little coverage boost when you tie the knot or welcome a new family member. Others gradually increase your coverage over time, like a snowball rolling downhill.

But here’s the secret weapon: Term Insurance.

Let’s be honest – insurance isn’t exactly the most exciting topic. But what if this term insurance guide told you that term insurance could be your family’s financial superhero?

Here’s the deal: term insurance is the most affordable type of life insurance out there. It’s like a strong safety net for your loved ones. Think of it this way:

Your policy is a shield: It protects your family financially if the unthinkable happens during a set timeframe (the “term”). If you pass away within that term, your loved ones get a payout to help with expenses, debts, and maintaining their lifestyle.
No hidden tricks: There are no investment gimmicks here. It’s pure protection, not a way to get rich quick. You pay a low, fixed premium for peace of mind.

Now, we know what you’re thinking: “What if I don’t die during the term? Isn’t that money wasted?” Nope!

Term insurance is for the safety of our families. It isn’t about getting a return on investment. It’s about making sure your family doesn’t suffer financially if you’re no longer around. It’s like buying a fire extinguisher for your home – you hope you never have to use it, but you’re grateful it’s there if a fire breaks out.

So, if you’ve got people who depend on you, a term plan to secure family is a no-brainer. It’s the most affordable way to make sure they’re taken care of, no matter what life throws your way.

Three Reasons Why Term Insurances Reign Supreme- Term Insurance Guide

This term insurance guide enlists three prime reasons that make term insurances stand out from the crowd:

  • Fixed Premiums: Your premium stays the same throughout the policy. With term insurance, your monthly payment (let’s say ₹1021) is locked in from day one. It won’t suddenly jump next year or the year after, giving you peace of mind and predictable budgeting.
  • No Investment Component: Don’t mix insurance and investment. Term insurance is pure protection, not a savings plan. If you want good savings, then mutual funds or SIPs are your way to move ahead. 
  • The Earlier, the Cheaper: The younger and healthier you are, the lower your premium. So, grab that insurance now and enjoy those lower rates for life!

Disclaimer: Please use the Policy Bazaar link that we provide you. This helps us, without changing the price for you. Furthermore, we do not support any insurance provider company as all the companies trick you. This is why we provide you the link to Policy Bazaar, so that you can choose a policy that suits you the most.


Imagine this: You miss a premium payment on your combined insurance and investment policy. Suddenly, that nest egg you were building turns into a nightmare. The company takes back what you’ve paid, and if you try to leave, you get back less than you put in. Ouch!

That’s why through this term insurance guide we suggest that mixing insurance and investment is a recipe for disaster.

Insurance is your safety net, protecting your loved ones if the worst happens. Investment is about growing your wealth. They have different purposes.

Think of it like this:

  • Insurance: Your non-negotiable protection. You wouldn’t skip car insurance, right? Same goes for your family’s financial security.
  • Investment: Your wealth-building tool. It’s important, but flexible. If times get tough, you can adjust your investments.

Keeping them separate gives you control and flexibility. Protect your loved ones with a solid term insurance policy while building your wealth through separate investments. Don’t fall for “all-in-one” policies. Protect your money, protect your family, and keep insurance and investment separate. Your future self will thank you!

How Long Should You Get a Term Insurance For?

Term insurance Guide

Usually, you should get term insurance for around 65 years. However, the difference between the premium of 65 years and 75 years is not much, then you should get term insurance covering you till 75 years of age. 

How to Select the Company of Term Insurance for Family?

Choosing the right insurance company is like picking a life partner – you want someone who’ll be there for the long haul, not just in the good times. This term insurance guide will help you find your perfect match:

  • A Rock-Solid Foundation: Look for a company with a proven track record. You want someone who’s been around the block and isn’t going to disappear when things get tough.
  • A Reputation Worth Protecting: Just like you wouldn’t date someone with a history of cheating, avoid insurers with a reputation for denying claims. Choose a company with a brand name they’re proud of – one they won’t risk tarnishing by messing with you.
  • Claim Settlement Ratio: It is a ratio of “claims that came” is to “claims that were approved”. Usually companies approve small claims and stop the huge claims. For example they will pass two ₹2 crore claims but will stop a ₹crore claim. This shows 2:1 ratio of claims passed is to claims stopped and 2:3 ratio where 2 claims passed and total 3 claims came. Treacherous right?
  • CSR by Amount: Don’t just look at the number of claims approved – check the actual amount paid out. Some companies try to look good by approving lots of small claims while rejecting the big ones. That’s like a partner who’ll buy you flowers but won’t help with the rent.
  • Claim Repudiation Ratio: This is the ratio of claims declined. Even low rejection rates can be misleading. Some claims get delayed and end up in next year’s numbers. To get the whole picture, look at both the amount paid out and the rejection rate together.
  • Assets Under Management (AUM): Think of a company’s assets as their savings account. Therefore, a more significant balance means they’re more financially stable and less likely to go bankrupt when it’s time to pay your claim.

Our Pro Tip of term Insurance Guide: All this data is publicly available in the IRDA report. But if you want the easy route, stick with a top-5 company. They’ve earned their reputation for a reason.

Choosing the correct term insurance for family isn’t about finding the cheapest option, rather it’s about finding a partner you can trust to have your back when you need it most.

If your company has refused to provide you with insurance, then here is what you can do!

What are Riders and Why Should You Get Them?

Think of term insurance as the base of your Pizza and riders as the toppings. Now, there are majorly two types of riders-

  1. Critical Illness Riders: This implies that if your critical illness rider is of X amount, then you will get the exact X amount. Now this is different from health insurance as in health insurance you only get the amount that is equal to your medical bill. 
  2. Accidental Disability Riders: What if you have met with an accident that has led to disability? This is where the Accidental Riders come into play. Just like the Critical Illness Rider, in Accidental Disability Rider also, you will get your claim.

How to Stay Away from the Rider Scams?

  • Firstly, many companies provide you with a total ₹2 crore cover. Now if ₹30 Lakh is Rider Coverage and you have claimed it, then you are left with ₹2 Lakh and 70 thousand. Whereas some companies provide ₹2 Crore + ₹30 Lakh riders. They will give you a Rider Cover of ₹30 Lakh over and above the cover of ₹2 crore (ideal scenario). 
  • Secondly, you need to check the type of illnesses covered. Many companies claim that they cover 50 or 60 illnesses, but when the time comes, then they miss out on many common illnesses including cancer. Therefore make sure they cover common illnesses that are there in India.
  • The same goes for disabilities. There are hidden terms related to partial and total disability.

“Therefore, we highly advise you to go to Policy Bazaar and study all the term insurance policies. When you register, the policy bazaar representative will give you a call. Make sure you connect with them and ask as many questions as you want. This will help you narrow down the choices of your companies.”

The Payment Options: Term Insurance Guide

This term insurance guide talks about how you pay for your term insurance. There are usually three options, but spoiler alert: one of them is a trap!

1. Return of Premium (ROP): The Greed Trap

This one tries to lure you in by promising to return all your premiums if you survive the policy term. Sounds tempting, right? But here’s the catch – you have to pay DOUBLE the regular premium for this “perk.” Instead of falling for this, stick to the regular premium and invest the difference in a good mutual fund or SIP. You’ll likely get a better return in the long run.

2. Limited Pay: The Pay-and-Forget Option 

With limited pay, you pay higher premiums for a shorter period (e.g., ₹4,000 per year for 10 years instead of ₹2,000 per year for 37 years). Sounds appealing if you want to get your premium payments out of the way quickly. But again, you’re better off paying the regular premium and investing the extra money.

3. Zero Cost Term Insurance: The Smoke-and-Mirrors Trick 

This one makes it sound like you’re getting insurance for free. You pay a higher premium initially, and if you survive past a certain age (usually 60), you get all your premiums back. However, the high initial premiums negate any potential “savings.” You’re basically paying for a more expensive insurance policy with the illusion of getting your money back later.

The Bottom Line:

Keep it simple. Stick to regular premium payments for term plan to secure family and invest any extra money you have in a separate vehicle like mutual funds or SIPs. Don’t get tricked by flashy payment options that promise more than they deliver.

How to Get Your Term Insurance Claim?

1. Honesty is the Best Policy (Literally)

Don’t be tempted to fool about your health. You might fool the agent, but those medical tests don’t lie. If your reports disagree with what you said, your coverage could be slashed. Remember, this is a term life insurance for family, so start with a clean slate.

2. Know Your Policy Inside-Out

Section 45 is your safety net – after three years, the insurance company can’t reject your claim. But don’t wait until then to understand the fine print. Read your policy thoroughly, ask questions, and make sure there are no surprises down the road.

3. Demand In-Person Medical Exams

According to our term insurance guide, don’t settle for a phone call with a doctor. Rather, insist on an actual, live checkup with company officials. This guarantees transparency and leaves no room for misinterpretations.

4. Keep a Medical “Paper Trail”

Imagine this: You get sick a few years after getting insured. But you can prove it wasn’t a pre-existing condition because you have a neatly organized file of every checkup and test result from before you got the policy. This could be the key to your family getting the total payout after the mishap.

5. Record Everything, Just in Case

It might feel a bit over-the-top, but our term insurance guide suggests you record your conversations with the insurance agent. If any disputes arise later, you’ll have proof of what was said. Moreover, if you use a platform like Policy Bazaar, their team can help you navigate any claim issues.

6. Share the Knowledge with Your Family

Getting insurance is step one. Step two is making sure your family knows it exists and how to use it. Don’t leave them in the dark! Share the documents, explain the process, and even practice a “what if” scenario together. This ensures they can access the financial support you intended for them.

7. Money Management Matters

The payout from term insurance for family is a safety net, not a lottery win. Make sure your family understands how to handle this money responsibly. A good financial advisor can help create a plan for covering expenses, paying off debts, and investing for the future. This prevents the money from disappearing too quickly or being wasted.

Why Should You Not Buy Life Insurance?

Imagine this: Term insurance is like a reliable car that gets you where you need to go without breaking the bank. It provides coverage for a specific period, and if something happens to you during that time, your family receives a payout.

Whole life insurance, on the other hand, is like a flashy, expensive car with all the bells and whistles. Sure, it offers lifelong coverage and some investment potential, but those hefty premiums can put a severe dent in your budget.

Instead of sinking that extra money into a pricier policy, you could invest it in mutual funds. Over time, those investments have the potential to grow significantly, offering potentially more significant returns than the investment component of a whole-life policy.

It’s like having your cake and eating it too – protection for your loved ones AND the opportunity to build wealth for the future.

Think of it as a two-pronged approach:

  1. Term insurance: A safety net to protect your family’s financial future.
  2. Mutual funds: A vehicle for long-term growth and financial freedom.

Ultimately, the choice is yours. But if you’re looking for the most bang for your buck, term insurance paired with savvy investments might be the smartest route.

This is how you can avail a free insurance through a debit card!

In Conclusion: Term Insurance Guide

Life’s unpredictable, right? One minute, you’re planning your next vacation; let’s not dwell on the “what ifs.” Term insurance is about facing those “what ifs” head-on, ensuring financial burdens don’t shatter your family’s dreams.

This guide isn’t just about insurance jargon – it’s about empowering YOU. It’s about giving you the tools to navigate the tricky insurance landscape, dodge the scams, and choose the perfect plan to safeguard your family’s future. Because at the end of the day, your peace of mind is priceless.

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