HomeLAWS & SCHEMESUpdate! EPFO extends the Higher Pension Application Deadline till May 31, 2024

Update! EPFO extends the Higher Pension Application Deadline till May 31, 2024

The EPFO has extended the deadline for submitting applications for higher pensions under the Employees’ Pension Scheme (EPS) for the third time!

Originally, the Supreme Court had set the deadline for applications to March 3, 2023, following its judgment on November 4, 2022. However, due to the EPFO’s delay in issuing appropriate circulars, the deadline was first extended to May 3, 2023. It was later extended a second time to June 26, 2023, and the third time to July 11, 2023, and then the fourth time to September 30, 2023 and the fifth time to December 31, 2023.

Now, as per a press release, issued by the EPFO on January 03, 2024, the deadline has been extended again to May 31, 2024. The press release stated that this is the last opportunity for employees to submit their joint application form for a higher pension from EPS. The application form must be submitted within these 15 days to get a pension on higher wages.

But Who Does the Extension Applies to?

This extension applies to-

  • retired employees who retired before September 1, 2014, and
  • who opted for a higher pension but had their requests denied by the PF authorities.

The EPFO issued a circular for existing employees on February 20, 2023. This circular initially gave eligible employees less than 15 days to submit the application. Additionally, the circular mentioned that another circular clarifying the method of pension computation would be issued.
Due to the short time frame given to employees to submit their applications and the impending circular on pension computation, the deadline was extended.

The image shows filling of an online form
Filling the Form Online

This information was issued in a fragmented manner, with a notification clarifying additional contributions coming on May 3, 2023, and the method of pension computation being released on June 1, 2023.

In the press release, EPFO further encouraged any eligible pensioner/member who is facing difficulty in submitting an online application due to issues with KYC updation to lodge a grievance on EPFiGMS for resolution by selecting the category of ‘Higher Pensionary benefits on higher wages’.

Are You Facing Issues with Your EPF Application?

If you’re encountering issues with your EPF or pension application, knowing how to effectively use the EPF Grievance Portal can be a game-changer. Our guide walks you through the process of submitting grievances online, ensuring your concerns are addressed promptly. Whether it’s KYC updation troubles or other application challenges, understand how to navigate the grievance system for quicker resolutions here.

Furthermore, for employers, the EPFO has provided an additional three months for uploading wage details online, extending the deadline to September 30, 2023. This comes as a relief to employers who were facing practical challenges in collating and filing wage details for the entire period of employment.

The decisions made in the Central Board of Trustees meetings significantly impact pension policies and member benefits. Our coverage of the PF Pension Decisions made during the Central Board of Trustees Meeting offers a deep dive into the outcomes of these gatherings, including critical decisions that affect your pension benefits. Staying informed about these decisions can help you better understand and navigate the pension application process.

EPFO Issues New Guidelines for Compliance with the Supreme Court’s Judgement on Pension Scheme

The Employees’ Provident Fund Organisation (EPFO), under the Ministry of Labour & Employment, Government of India, has released instructions in accordance with the Supreme Court’s judgement dated November 4, 2022. The guidelines direct all additional Central Provident Fund Commissioners (CPFCs) and Regional Provident Fund Commissioners (RPFCs) to implement the Court’s directions within the specified timeline.

The image shows the order of the court
Supreme Court Order- EPFO Higher Pension

As per the judgement, employees who had exercised the option under paragraph 11(3) of the 1995 Pension Scheme and were still in service on September 1, 2014, will follow the amended provisions of paragraph 11(4). Those who did not exercise the option under the pre-amendment scheme but were entitled to do so will be allowed to exercise a joint option under paragraphs 11(3) and 11(4) within an extended period of four months.

Who Can Avail the Extended Option?

The extended option period applies to employees and employers who had contributed under paragraph 26(6) of the EPF Scheme on salaries exceeding the wage ceiling of Rs. 5,000 or Rs 6,500, did not exercise the joint option under the pre-amendment scheme, and were members of the scheme before September 1, 2014.

To apply for the joint option, employees must submit the required forms and declarations to the concerned Regional Office. The Regional PF Commissioner will then provide a facility for processing the applications. Applications will be registered, digitally logged, and verified by the employer before further examination.

The concerned Assistant PF Commissioner or RPFC-II will examine each case and notify applicants of the decision via email, post, or telephone. Weekly monitoring reports will be sent by the Regional Offices to their respective Zonal Offices, which will report the aggregate position to the Pension Division at the Head Office.

In case of grievances, applicants can register on the EPFiGMS portal after submitting their joint option form and any necessary payments. These grievances will be addressed and disposed of at the level of the Nominated Officer and will be monitored by the Officer-in-charge of the Regional and Zonal Offices.

These guidelines are issued in addition to earlier instructions dated December 29, 2022, and January 5, 2023, and must be implemented immediately in compliance with the Supreme Court’s judgement.

While navigating the complexities of pension withdrawals and applications, you might encounter challenges or have queries that need addressing. Our guide on EPFO Pension Withdrawal Calculation & Grievance provides insights into how you can calculate your pension withdrawals and effectively use the grievance mechanism to resolve any issues. Understanding these aspects can ease your process of applying for higher pension benefits.

What Is the Procedure for Applying for Higher Pension?

EPFO in a circular on February 20, 2023, outlined the guidelines for employee eligibility, required documentation, and the application process for higher pension. This move comes in response to the Supreme Court’s directive for increasing pensions for eligible employees.

Online Applications by Members: A Step-by-Step Guide

According to the circular, only employees who were members of EPF before September 1, 2014, and continued to be members on or after September 1, 2014, and did not opt for a higher pension under the EPS 95 scheme are eligible to apply for a higher pension. 

The application process, as prescribed in the circular dated February 20, 2023, remains the same as the earlier circular dated December 29, 2022.

Step-by-Step Online Application Process:

To submit an online application for a higher pension, follow these steps:

1. Firstly, visit the EPFO Member interface “EPFO Member interface” on Google.

EPFO higher pension

2. Next, scroll down and you will see two different links as flash options:
i) Exercise of Joint Option under para 11(3) and 11(4)
ii) Online application for validation of Joint Option

Step-by-Step Online Application Process for higher pension

3. Then, click on the correct option as per your eligibility. 

For Those Exercising Option 1:

4. For those clicking on “Pension on Higher Salary:

  • Exercise of Joint Option under para 11(3) and 11(4) of EPS – 1995 on or before 3rd May 2023”. Then, the following option will be seen next. 
Step-by-Step Online Application Process

5. Click on the “Click Here” option. The next screen will look like this:

EPFO higher pension- step-by-step process

6. Then, enter the required details. This includes- UAN, Name, Date of Birth, Aadhaar No., Aadhaar linked Mobile Number, Captcha, and tick the declaration box. Click “Get OTP.”

For Those Exercising Option 2: EPFO Higher Pension

7. For those clicking on “Pension on Higher Salary: Online application for validation of Joint Option”, the following option will be seen next. 

EPFO higher pension

8. Click on the “Click Here” option. The next screen will look like this:

Step-by-step guide for EPFO higher pension

9. Then, enter the required details. This includes-

  • PPO No. (if applicable),
  • Name,
  • Date of Birth,
  • Aadhaar No,
  • Aadhaar linked Mobile Number,
  • Captcha, and
  • tick the declaration box.
  • Click “Get OTP”

EPFO Higher Pension for Both Types of Members:

10. The Application Form will be displayed.

11. Click on the Disclaimer and provide the member’s details. It includes- mobile number, and email, and attach the Joint Option Form & undertaking by the trust (for exempted establishments).

12. Provide the contribution details and attach documentary evidence as per Para 6(vii) of the circular dated 20.02.2023, i.e., Proof of remittance of employer’s share in PF on higher wages, etc.

13. Read the declaration carefully and submit the application.

Joint Application Forms by Regional PF Commissioners 

Processing of Joint Application Form by Regional PF Commissioner: The circular also prescribes the following procedures for the Regional Provident Fund Commissioner (RPFC) to process joint application forms:

1. Each application will be registered, digitally logged, and assigned a receipt number.
2. Employers will receive separate login credentials, and all employee applications will be directed to the employer’s login.
3. The employer’s verification with a digital signature is mandatory for further processing.
4. After examination by the pension authorities, the decision will be communicated to the employee via email, post, or SMS.

Amendments to the Employees’ Provident Funds Scheme, 1952

The Ministry of Labour and Employment issued a notification on February 13, 2023. There were announcements regarding amendments to the Employees’ Provident Funds Scheme, 1952. The changes have been made in accordance with the powers conferred by Section 5, along with sub-section (1) of Section 7 of the Employees’ Provident Funds and Miscellaneous Provisions Act, 1952.

The new regulations will be called the Employees’ Provident Funds (Amendment) Scheme, 2023. It will come into effect from the date of their publication in the Official Gazette.

The Key Amendment in the Employees’ Provident Funds Scheme

The key amendment in the Employees’ Provident Funds Scheme, 1952, pertains to paragraph 11(1). It outlines the frequency of meetings for the Central Board of Trustees, the Executive Committee, and the Regional Committee. According to the new provision, the Central Board of Trustees must meet at least twice in each financial year. At the same time, the Executive Committee and the Regional Committee are required to convene at least four times in each financial year.

These amendments aim to enhance the functioning and oversight of the Employees’ Provident Funds Scheme. It further ensures better management and improved outcomes for its members.

For our Hindi-speaking audience, understanding every aspect of your EPF, including managing payment receipts, is essential. Our article on EPF Payment Receipt in Hindi provides step-by-step guidance on accessing and understanding your EPF payment receipts. This knowledge is vital for ensuring all your contributions are correctly recorded and accessible when needed.

Stay on top of your EPF and pension planning by keeping informed with the latest updates and guides. Subscribe to our newsletter – ‘The Success Circle‘ for timely insights, updates on EPFO decisions. You also get comprehensive guides to navigating your pension and EPF queries. Empower yourself with knowledge directly in your inbox. Subscribe now and ensure you’re making the most informed decisions regarding your retirement benefits.


What is the latest news about EPFO higher pension?

The latest update regarding the EPFO higher pension is that the deadline for submitting applications for higher pensions under the Employees’ Pension Scheme (EPS) has been extended multiple times, with the most recent extension moving the deadline to May 31, 2024. This extension applies to eligible employees, particularly those who retired before September 1, 2014, and had previously opted for a higher pension but were denied by the PF authorities.

What is 70 in the EPS pension formula?

In the EPS pension formula, “70” refers to the fixed maximum number of years used to calculate the pensionable service. The formula generally used is (Pensionable Salary x Pensionable Service) / 70. This means that if an individual has 35 years of service, their pension calculation would involve multiplying their average salary by 35 and dividing the result by 70.

What is the last date for the higher pension scheme in 2024?

The last date for applying for the higher pension scheme under EPS in 2024 has been extended to May 31, 2024. This extension allows eligible employees more time to submit their joint application forms for a higher pension based on higher wages.

Does EPFO pension increase every year?

EPFO pension under the Employees’ Pension Scheme (EPS) does not automatically increase every year. Unlike some pension schemes that adjust for inflation, the EPS pension is fixed based on the formula used at the time of retirement and does not include a provision for regular annual increases. Any changes in the pension amount would generally require a legislative amendment or specific government notification.

What is the maximum EPF pension?

The maximum pension under the Employees’ Pension Scheme (EPS) is not explicitly capped at a particular amount but is determined by the pensionable salary and years of service. However, before the Supreme Court’s decision in 2022, the pension was often calculated based on a wage ceiling of Rs. 15,000 per month. With the option for a higher pension, employees who contributed on a higher salary can potentially receive a pension based on their actual higher salary, which can significantly increase their pension amount.

What is the new update of EPFO 2024?

The new update in 2024 from EPFO involves the extension of the deadline for applying for higher pensions under the EPS scheme to May 31, 2024. Additionally, EPFO has issued new guidelines for compliance with the Supreme Court’s judgment on pension schemes, ensuring that eligible employees can avail themselves of the extended option period to apply for a higher pension based on their actual salary.

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